When you see the failure in the body, it should be noted in this regard. The external signs of violations — loss of hair, rashes, fungus on the nails. Similar symptoms which require attention and careful investigation, because behind them may hide serious diseases.
The fungus must be treated in the early stages of emergence, this can destroy the nail and lead to irritation of the soft tissues of the finger. The malocclusion causes a constant unpleasant feeling, worsens the patient's quality of life, causes a feeling of permanent oppression towards others and the fear of infecting loved ones.
Nail fungus refers to infectious diseases, in medicine is called onychomycosis, or simply athlete's foot. The disease are treated in a hospital environment, under the supervision of a doctor.
Fungus of the nails of the hands and
Nail fungus is more appear in women, but also men are subject to the athlete's foot. The initial stage of nail fungus manifests itself in the fact that the nail becomes weaker, it becomes yellow and, with time, becomes brown. If you notice a change in color of the nail, consult a professional for advice and analysis.
Via the appear white spots on the nail plate. They differ in size, acquire a yellow colour. The nail deformed, to change shape, twist, becomes brittle, fragile and crumbly.
In the later stages, without adequate treatment, the fungal infection goes on the skin and gradually eroding. Awesome, the skin inflames, swells, flake, appear oozing wounds. With the proper care for the hands malocclusion can be avoided.
Onicha, the athlete's foot the nails of the hands most often are women, the reason for this — non-sterile instruments for manicure. According to the statistics, this situation is becoming the main cause of the appearance and development of the fungus at hand. Watch carefully as the master process tools.

Nail fungus on the feet
The fungus in the most affects the nails of the lower limbs. The main reason for the non-observance of rules of hygiene of the foot. Excessive sweating of the feet, uncomfortable or too tight shoes, shoes and more people — accepted in normal society. This behavior becomes the source of the infection, which is difficult to carry.
Athlete's foot — infectious and contagious disease, you can make contact with a surface infected: wear tennis shoes, go in the shower after a person with onychomycosis stop. The biggest risk when using public places such as swimming pools, saunas, bathrooms. Humid environment and high temperature favor the proliferation of harmful bacteria.
Even if the malocclusion and is not life threatening, but it causes discomfort, itching, burning sensation, discomfort. Prevents to lead a family, a healthy lifestyle, because it affects an organ involved in the life of the 75% of the time — our steps.

Fungal infections — different configurations, the source and a little differently manifest. The common denominator of the defeat of the nail, the appearance of white patches, which become more. The first symptoms were not long in coming. Already after a week or two after contact with the bacteria in the nail to see the first signs, and see how it seems to nail fungus in the foot.
On the nails of the feet appear to be longitudinal stripes of yellow or brown. The nail plate is compacted and the side — yellow and crumbles. The defeat extends from the end or from the root of the nail. The most common situation — amazed at the free edge of a great nail, behind him the rest of the nails, the space between the fingers.
On the skin a sensation of itching and burning, signs of diaper rash.
The bad smell, increase of the sweating — obvious reasons to seek medical advice. If you do not start the treatment once, then the nail will be completely brown, highly deformable and paid. It appears white or yellowish coating on the skin that surrounds the nail, then — between the toes, on the soles of an inch. In the advanced stage, the foot on the sides and musty, the skin is inflamed, flakes, swollen feet. Possible total loss of the nail, and the view will be awesome. Violent vital functions in bacteria appears to be in a strong smell of putrefaction. Search on the video on the symptoms of mildew on the legs and feet, and that is dangerous.

The causative agent of nail fungus — fungi of the genus Candida. Under normal conditions, these microorganisms live in an environment, and also present in the human body. Do not bring any destructive actions only because they are constantly being suppressed other bacteria in our body and our immunity.
The activation of the parasitic properties of Candida occurs when their conditions are favorable. This weakening of our body, the non-observance of elementary rules of hygiene, health and safety standards.
We are constantly in contact with parasites in the environment, but is rejecting the negative impact. Increases the susceptibility due to the following factors:
- increased sweating stop;
- the constant walking in shoes that are narrow and uncomfortable;
- a weaker immune system;
- lesions of the nails or the skin around;
- the violation of the hygiene of the feet;
- internal crash of the endocrine system or the nervous system;
- visit saunas and swimming pools;
- the advanced age.
Such conditions include, our skin is more easy to take pests and less to resist the harmful effects of action. Enter into the layers of the dermis, the bacteria settle, germinate, and lay your disputes. If there is a specialized treatment, they continue to continue to grow and the action is further exacerbated.
A direct way of infection — contact with the natural habitat, as white as the soil of the earth, plants, animals. Indirect — to catch the infection from another person, through the use of shoes, towels, things.
png" class="imgblock right center_mob">The first thing you do discover the symptoms of contact to a specialist. Highly specialized physician that treats only fungal infections — mycologist. In reality, our life is difficult to find an expert. If it is not able to contact him, it will help the dermatologist. His element is the disease of the skin, and that will help you solve the problem with the nails.
After the analysis the doctor is the course of treatment. Nail fungus the stop — resistant wound that pick up difficult. Standard antiseptics or means of disinfection help for prevention but not for treatment.
The medicines are assigned for local application. The elimination — when the background is developed mycosis are violated the metabolic processes. Then there are prescribed ways in which to improve the immunity and vitamins for growth and strengthen the nails, football.
To win the fight with the athlete, apply strong special medications: ointment or drops. Lately the popular medicines of the nail.
Lucky stand out, however, that unlike other tools, they are not deleted during the walk and to remain valid for the whole day. Are assigned as part of an integrated therapy, or as self-care. Lucky they are clearly positive, if the direction is not more than 50% of the nail plate.
Economic and effective tool for tea tree oil. This is a powerful antiseptic, which is based on an antibacterial action. The oil is famous for its properties to kill the fungus, so it is widely used by doctors.

Please note! Athlete's foot is a bacteria, microscopic fungi, that constantly multiply, and they do it with great speed. Then remove the need on the part of all to the last bacteria. Treatment was discontinued or not completed correctly, the course of treatment will necessarily lead to a relapse.
Process for the treatment of all of the responsibility. The result depends on your self-discipline. Well composed course will be useful only in the case in which the stick.
If time does not pay attention to the processes caused by the athlete, you risk not only the loss of the nail, but and deterioration of the status of the whole body. By inflammation in one place are affected by all systems of the body, after all, the majority of the forces comes out to fight off the infection. Violation of the metabolic processes — the first thing that is in danger.
Do not forget to treat all the things with which it is in contact, otherwise a relapse is not prevent. Carefully disinfect shoes, floors, bedding, bathroom. During the treatment you are advised not to walk barefoot in the house and not to attend public places, where there is the possibility of infection.
If you are still living people, to adopt the measures of prevention, to protect them from infection. And after the end of the course, don't forget to the prevention of the fungus, use antiseptics, and to watch carefully for the hygiene of the lower limbs.
Folk remedies
In addition to common drugs, the artisans know the secrets of self-healing of the malocclusion. These methods are based entirely on the natural medicines, which is easy to obtain in a natural environment. Low-cost methods, time-tested.
This is useful, because most of the components used, you can easily find in the home of every housewife. The supporters of alternative medicine claim that the treatment by natural means is much more effective than drugs pharmacy.
The municipality — foot treatment iodine. In this way the bacteria fungi prizhivayutsya and die. You hit the nail plate twice a day, thoroughly smeared with a solution of iodine 5%. Iodine acts slowly. It is a method of treatment, after 3 weeks of this treatment you notice some improvement. And only after 40-50 days guaranteed to forget how to has nail fungus and what it is.
Iodine not only destroys the parasitic bacteria but also helps to restore and strengthen the nail plate. On-site consumed the nail, it grows back, healthy and whole. Alcohol-based solution eliminates the itching and burning sensation of the skin, and as an antiseptic, takes away the bad smell.
Iodine can be used in combination with other means. By mixing iodine with the celandine, you get an ointment. To develop this knowledge the heel and the toes a couple of times during the day. The effect is clearly visible already after 2 weeks.
In parallel, it is possible to take a supplement of vitamins decoctions, or tools to strengthen the immune system. This will improve the general condition of the body and helps to fight from the inside.
Large popular vinegar baths. Acetic acid has excellent properties of anti-mildew and other fungi. The bathroom with this medication does not harm the coverage of the skin mantle, and the infection is completely inhibited.
For suitable use as normal table vinegar 9%, and apples. In especially hard cases possible to increase the concentration, applying the 70% vinegar. The most common pattern application — 4 parts water to 1 part vinegar. There, you can add the tea tree oil for a stronger antiseptic effect.
This method is suitable for those who have the time to do her legs, as well as each treatment lasts for 30 minutes and repeat the his need to two times per day. The optimal time — morning and evening. Vinegar baths are not applied as a proper instrument, because only inhibit and block the development, the reproduction of the microorganisms. The spores are killed by an acid environment, but adults in most part, remain. For the most complete and effective treatment would be appropriate to use the complex.
After the bath, remove the nails, and sacotte pumice the skin around. So he removes a big layer of accumulation of bacteria. And after applying an antifungal agent to achieve the maximum benefit from the manipulation.
It is important to know! In the execution of phases of a folk medicine may not be the only means to combat athlete. Necessarily need to use drugs, otherwise the attempts to completely eliminate the infection will not be successful.
The traditional methods can only be applied in cases where it is allowed the doctor. In some situations it is strictly prohibited to impact on the nail with alcohol or vinegar.
The largest effect from all the ways non-traditional, will be the first phase of development, onychomycosis, until you see open wounds on the skin and inflammation of the fingers, feet.