Causes of onychomycosis

Treatment can last up to 6 months for the toes and up to 12 months for the hands.
Varnish is a reliable way to kill nail fungus
How does varnish work?

Advice on how to apply varnish correctly
- Before using anti-mildew varnish, you must read the instructions carefully;
- It is best to take a hot bath (take 50 grams of laundry soap and 1 tablespoon of baking soda). You need to steam your nail plate with this mixture. It’s important that it softens completely within 20 minutes. Why use laundry soap? Perfectly eliminate disputes;
- When using the nail file included in the set with the polish, it is necessary to carefully remove the keratinized portion of the tissue so that the preparation can more easily access the inner structure of the nail;
- After completing all these points, you need to degrease your skin.
- Mix alcohol and water in a 1: 1 ratio;
- iodine mixture (a few drops of iodine per teaspoon);
- Methylene blue solution (you can buy it at any drug store).
- The infected area is ready for application of the main medicinal properties. You can treat affected nails as well as healthy nails;
- This product must be used strictly in accordance with the instructions described in the product description.
Treatment of fungal diseases should not be carried out independently in any case, but only after consulting a doctor.
Varnish side effects and contraindications
- Do not use during pregnancy and breastfeeding;
- Not allowed for use by children;
- Not recommended if you are allergic to varnish elements.
The Four Most Effective Restorative Varnishes
Morpholine series varnish (made in France)
Hydroxypyridone based varnish (made in Germany)
- 1 month – 1 rub. Within 2 days;
- 2 months - no more than 2 rubles. This week;
- 3 months – 1 rub. Within this week.
formaldehyde varnish
antifungal kit
- Dimethylisosorbide (provides deep penetration);
- Hydroxyethyl cellulose (polymer thickener);
- Pentylene glycol (improves the process of the drug).
- Carefully treat damaged nails with a nail file once a week.
- Apply this varnish to your entire nail every morning and evening for at least a month.
- Drying time should not exceed three minutes.

Tools and care products used on affected nails must be disinfected and sterilized.