According to the statistics, sick the fungus 20% of the entire population. Many leave the disease to take its course, and then save, because the disease progresses, you move to other areas of the skin and even internal organs there are complications, the patient fungus offers aesthetic and physical discomfort.
Disease of any part of the body: the skin, internal organs, of bone tissue, for example, the nail plate. Once upon a time there have been no signs of the disease, urgently need to consult a dermatologist for treatment was progressive, and the patient is freed from pain, various disruptions.
When a foot fungus, the first symptoms usually occur exactly between the toes. Here is the itching, inflammation, dryness and flaking. There are different types of fungi between the toes, depending on the change, and medications. To do this you must specialist. In this article we will explain what are the fungi between the toes of the foot there are the symptoms, the causes, how to treat it, consider photos.
Causes of fungi between the toes
Regardless of the location defeat by a fungus, the etiology of the disease remains constant. 60-70% of people who come to the doctor, the fungus causes exactly the kind dermatophytes. But exactly install vista doctor should do. It appears the fungus for the following reasons:
- When you visit public places, where there is warm and moist climate, high risk of being infected. This also applies to the employees of these places, and not only to the visitors. In this case, it is necessary to respect the measures of prevention.
- The infection from a family member or a roommate of the house. The floor or the carpet can become a source of disease, and in the family the higher the risk, as well as to their usually taken advantage of the means of hygiene: sheets, towels, set, manicure, various hygiene products.
- Wearing the clothes of someone else (socks), or the shoe.
- The higher the risk of contagion for those at risk, to whom you refer patients with poor immune protection, beri-beri, who live in places with poor environmental situation, sick with diseases of the endocrine system, like obesity and diabetes mellitus, or cardiovascular, the people who take antibiotics and hormonal drugs excessive sweating and dryness of the feet, the pregnant women.
- Pathology of the skin of the feet and between the toes.
- Wounds, cuts and scratches between the toes.
- Poor blood flow in the legs.
The symptoms of fungi between the toes
The fungus between the fingers seems to be due to breeding of fungi of this type, such as shapes, dermatophytes, yeast.
The manifestations of the disease can be divided into phases.
So, at the beginning of the disease is usually the fungus grows discreetly. The fungus affects the area between the middle, ring and little finger in the foot. Then the disease progresses, you move on foot.
- The first phase, which is called erased, characterized by dryness of the skin between the toes, for her on the mantle cracks on the foot and in the toe area, it is observed the detachment of the top layer of the dermis. The patient may complain of pain, itching, and burning in the affected areas. This stage may not be so obvious to the patient, so that it does not consider it necessary to consult a dermatologist. It is very important to diagnose the disease at this stage, to prevent complications and the progression of the disease.
- The second phase – disgidroticheskaya. The manifestations of this phase are clear for the patient, when patients come to specialists. In a second phase on the skin appear papules and inflamed areas. The skin thickens, dryness more apparent, the fingers, the feet swell. The itching becomes unbearable, the patient may complain of a sharp pain, especially when walking. The Stage brings a lot of physical discomfort.
- The third phase – squamous gipertroficescoy. The disease progresses, the skin becomes ugly appearance, thickens. The cracks become larger and deeper, are formed exesa areas. On the fingers, and between them appears a whitish plaque. The itching may be the same or worse.
- The fourth and last phase – intertriginous. In this phase, the affected areas are full of pus, inflammation, and red phases are very obvious. The patient difficult to move because of the pain in the legs when you walk. The feet swell, the papules are geolocated and leave behind open wounds, which leads to a secondary infection. The disease spreads to other areas of the foot, including the nail plate.
Treatment for fungus between toes
A dermatologist performs all procedures necessary for a precise diagnosis of the disease. Is installed a kind of fungus that affects the skin.
There is a method of self-diagnosis of the fungus, to which the foot is immersed in a solution of potassium permanganate and to leave for ten minutes. A healthy skin is painted, ill no, no. In this way it is possible to determine the disease is at the beginning of its development and the time to call a doctor.
The doctor performs the polling of a patient. What are the symptoms, as was at one time a disease, if there are diseases of internal organs. Then the dermatologist makes a visual inspection of the areas concerned. Skin biopsy, to clarify the type of fungus. Also for the diagnosis and the compiling of schema therapy, the following methods are used:
- The research of the skin under the lamp black light (Wood Lamp). This procedure takes place quite quickly – no more than a minute, as well as the ultraviolet rays can damage the health.
- Bacteriology sowing takes place in the span of 20 days, but thanks to this method it is possible to establish exactly the type of fungus and the further course of the treatment.
The doctor also determines the degree of immune protection. Tells what and how to treat fungus between the toes.
As practice shows, the best results can be obtained by applying various forms of drugs. This treatment is called complex, which includes the application of various forms of medication medications (ointments, creams, sprays), the step of the various procedures, the use of traditional medicine to strengthen the effectiveness of the drugs. Assign a complex treatment must be the doctor. The duration of therapy can take a month or more, depending on the type of fungus and the stage of the disease.
Usually drugs are used for the following species:
- Hormonal funds from fungus between the toes. They include the composition of the active ingredient, which is a hormone. This is the most effective, but apply only on doctor's prescription and if the conventional medicines do not work.
- The usual ointments, creams, gels, drops, sprays. The most common type of drugs for therapy.
- The vitamins and minerals.
During the treatment you can undergo physiotherapy, and it is recommended to follow the correct diet to improve metabolism and boost immunity.
Treatment for fungus between the toes of the feet folk remedies
The Home medicine in itself the manifestation of a therapeutic effect is practically non-is, but if combined with the medicines in the therapy as a supplement, the result can be a lot of pleasure. Treat fungus between toes home without a consultation with a specialist is not recommended.
Please note!
Many medications are prohibited in pregnancy, lactation and children, cause an allergic reaction in patients due to synthetic composition. In this case, without the use of natural remedies can't do without. Before using home remedies you have to check for the patient's an allergic reaction.
Usually for the treatment of fungi between the toes, use trays with different ingredients, such as, for example:
- The salt and the baking soda. You can apply your bathroom with these components separately and together. In water it down the walk in 15-20 minutes, before the procedure to wash and dry the feet. After the procedure, even dry with a towel, wear socks.
- Apple cider vinegar actually destroy the fungus. In the water with a concentrated solution of vinegar and dipped the feet for 10-15 minutes, after the procedure, the legs do not dry out.
- Decoction of euphorbia is also very effective. Its produced and insist, that you added in the bathroom and keep it on the feet for 20 minutes. This procedure may be performed two times a week.
Also spread the recipes of lotions. Them moistened with cotton swabs and treat the affected areas. For lotions use the following tools:
- Solution of permanganate of potassium to nourish the skin and leave for fifteen minutes. After the procedure, it is good to wash away the instrument.
- Nourish the skin and juice of the onion for about ten minutes.
Treatment for fungus between the toes of the feet methods of medicine

As already said, the best treatment is complete. It includes the use of drugs of various forms. Adults usually prescribed stronger ointments and pills, children – gels and creams.
Drugs from fungi are available in the following forms:
- Ointments, creams, gels.
- Spray, aerosol.
- Drops.
- Pills, and solutions for injection.
The medications can be hormones, in this case it is not possible to use children, pregnant women and nursing mothers, as they are very active act on the body. Give them can the physician, if the normal medications do not help. Hormonal drugs as well as a list of contraindications and side effects.
Prevention of fungi between the toes
For an effective treatment and to prevent re-infestation by fungi between the toes it is advisable to comply with the preventive measures:
- Increase the immunity. For this we need to eat, to feel a light physical exercise, hardens, drink vitamins. Do not allow the overdose of drugs.
- Pay attention to the general state of health, treat diseases of the internal organs.
- Avoid mechanical damage in the foot.
- Try not to frequent the public places, where it is possible to abode the fungal cells.
- Do not give a stranger, and not to use foreign clothes and footwear.
- To cure all the sick fungus of the family members.
- Observe the rules of hygiene.
- Promptly contact a physician.