To heal launched a fungal disease of average people, it is important to know what is afraid of nail fungus. This depends on the success of intensive care, clinical outcome. The main thing – to stop the pathological process of the reproduction of the infection, to stop the crisis. To productively overcome the nail fungus means people, you want to consult a dermatologist to go from diagnosis, to transgress the patients in the intensive care unit.

What is nail fungus
It is the defeat of the plate with the yeast, or fungi with the deformation, the change of the structure of the nail plate. If in the pathological process involved a nail, it is not excluded that dangerous fungus passes to the health, of the surface, the soft tissue. The disease develops under the influence of stressors, needs a conservative treatment, with the participation of the fungicides are.
Treatment of onychomycosis
Home treatment the terminal phase characteristic of the disease is difficult, lends itself to a conservative treatment, is not complete without consultation of the participation. The approach to a complex health issue, necessarily involves the observance of rules of personal hygiene, curative compulsory, the taking of oral vitamins. The doctors after the pre-analyses give the following recommendations:
- Over the period of treatment which is supposed to protect the personal hygiene, do not take advantage of the dishes and other objects of common use.
- It is necessary to carefully treat shoes when intensive therapy, nail fungus has not progressed.
- It is extremely important for advanced enhance immunity natural and pharmacological means a complete course.
What has a fear of nail fungus of the feet
When the itching and burning of the skin, of the cosmetic defect of the nail plate is necessary surprises appointment with a dermatologist, the mycologist. If the treatment, the patient must know what is afraid pathogenic agent for the treatment of onychomycosis to be the most productive. This valuable information provides a dermatologist, it is not recommended to practice dubious self-medication. So malicious of the nail fungus of the feet fear:
- he is killed at high temperatures;
- fear of the boil bleach;
- reduced the increase in activity in the hot baths;
- negatively perceives the acidic environment;
- demonstrates a high sensitivity to antifungal means;
- the weakening impact pathogenetic in case of contact with hydrogen peroxide;
- lost in the fight against the garlic and celandine.
At what temperature the fungus dies
It is worth to mention the increase of temperature, where the flora fungal pathogen of origin is first of all reduced their activity, and after, and dies as soon as possible with the removal of the body. It is important to know that when the temperature of 75 degrees fungus dies at the end of 15 minutes. This is particularly true because the infected things to the full decontamination is necessary to boil at least 5 minutes until the final destruction of the pathogens.

When the fungal infections doctor is required to appoint anti-fungal to the inside and outside. In the opposite case, a positive dynamic is non-existent, and the disease progresses gradually. For a conservative treatment has been productive, it is important to know what fear the microbe and pathogen, and the pharmacological group to ensure the long duration of the therapeutic effect:
- antihistamines allergy symptoms;
- local antiseptics, for example, the solution of iodine;
- the anti-fungal;
- adjuvants;
- a multivitamin complex.
To cure onychomycosis, you want to activate the system of medicines designed for internal applications.
An antifungal ointment
To overcome the nail fungus of the feet, first necessary to cut off the dead nail plate, and after dipping into creams, ointments and solutions with an antifungal effect. In the treatment of have need not only of the dead the nails of the feet, but also soft tissue, inflammation of the cuticle.
Special varnish
The positive comments are observed, if the affected area of the lubricating anti-fungal varnish, according to the instructions of use. The convenience of this form of production is the ability to use the drug is not more than 2 – 3 times per week, a rationalization of the impact on the flora of the pathogen.
The treatment of nail fungus that is running the form
In the clinical complications of the paintings may be involved, the operational modalities of the removal affected by the fungus from the nail plate. To cure a characteristic of the disease, you need to steam the foyer of the pathology of the decoction of herbs, then cut to length, visible foci of detachment of the nail from the lodge.
Folk remedies
Before you use the methods of alternative medicine is required to properly steam the plate of the nail, treaties and local antiseptics, for example, tea tree oil, let it dry. To cure the fungus, you can use remedies in the form of warm compresses, baths, teas and other outdoor facilities, it is important not to deal with a burn.
Apple cider vinegar
Medical alcohol and apple cider vinegar that you want to associate in the same proportions. 1 tablespoon of ready of the composition, add 1 tablespoon of glycerine, mix well. The fungus is afraid, if the nails apply 1 drop of medication in the morning and evening for 2 to 3 weeks. The comments on this kind of positive treatment, the main thing – do not wash and do not rinse caused to the composition.

You can use an antifungal ointment Tinedol, but least expensive cost with proven, traditional recipes. For example, when the use of salt, food with 1 tablespoon of crystals will dissolve in 1 tablespoon warm water, stir. Code medicine for the execution of bactericidal baths for 10 to 15 minutes. You can use sea salt.
To use the baking soda, put 1 tablespoon of alkali dissolved in a glass of water, stir, and drop dead nails for 15 to 20 minutes. Afterwards, in order to strengthen the sharing of the therapeutic effect, you can rub the dead of the surface of the concentrate of juice of celandine or kombucha mushroom. Repeat this procedure is preferably in the morning and evening until complete disappearance of unpleasant symptoms.
The essential oil
Real comments about this type of therapy is also positive, if we use a base of tea tree oil. For cooking, natural medicines, who is afraid of fungus, it takes 3 to 5 drops of essential oil added to 2 liters of water. After this, you need to soak in water admired by the members, to carry out the procedure every day for 15 to 20 minutes until the healing.