Fungal infection on the legs is quite widespread disease. To be infected it is easy enough, but the treatment — the process is long and complex. So the question is: which medication to choose?

The best effect gives a complete treatment, which consists in the combination of a drug drugs and the treatment of folk remedies in the house.
As long as you understand that it is a fungus?
Identify the nail fungus in the foot, and not by addressing to a specialist. The features are color changes of the nail, the appearance of bad odors. Also, the nail crumbles under him, appearing to be blank.
The first symptoms that you have an illness fungal:
- The nail changes its color and natural shine, becomes dull-white or yellow-brown.
- Loses shape and thickens, it splits or breaks.
- Appears Horny nail of mass under the plate.
- To ignite the pit.
- There is an unpleasant smell.
The initial phase of the illness begins, usually with the thumb on one side. If the time to locate the problem, perhaps simple and inexpensive treatment. During the execution of the step to see a specialist, as well as a treatment of quality of drugs may not help.
Methods of treatment of nail fungus
Today, there are several ways for the treatment of the disease fungal on the legs:

- The laser;
- Medications;
- Folk remedies.
The fastest and effective for the treatment — the laser. Only a couple of days and you already forget about a problem, like a fungus. However, it is quite expensive option, and not in all cities there are clinics which provide such services.
Much more often are used for the treatment of medicines and traditional recipes. Consider the most popular and effective tools, proven in the course of the years, the recipes that our grandmothers practiced.
Folk remedies
The treatment of nail fungus in the foot folk remedies must be made in the case in which the stadium is not running.
Here are the most effective recipes that allow you to get rid of nail fungus
- Every day process struck the finger of a 20% alcohol solution of propolis.
- Prepare the onion jelly and apply to the affected area.
- Lubricate the nail that sick juice of celandine several times a day.
- 5% iodine solution to apply on the nail ill.
But the most popular medium, used for the treatment of nail fungus at home, of course, is the hydrogen peroxide.
Use normal hydrogen peroxide for the treatment of the fungus is necessary as follows:
- steam the feet in a solution of baking soda per liter of water 1 teaspoon of baking soda (sodium bicarbonate);
- take a cotton ball and soak his peroxide;
- attach to the physical nail and hold 40-60 minutes.
To enhance the effect, wrap the finger, to which they made a cotton ball with the peroxide to the polyethylene. Also during the day bury a few drops of peroxide in a cavity of the nail.
Alternative compress can be trays with the peroxide. For this you need to dilute 2 tablespoons of 3% peroxide in a quart of lukewarm water and keep your hands or feet (depends on where the fungus) for 20-30 minutes. Repeat the procedure better in the morning and in the evening.
You can also make the bathroom with iodine. To do this, add 3 litres of heated water 20 drops of iodine. Mark the feet or hands in a bowl and keep 20 minutes. After that thoroughly clean the feet with a towel and apply the cream from the mushrooms (one of the following), to accelerate the healing.

It is still possible to do at home the cream of mushroom. To do this, mix: raw 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil and the same amount of acetic acid 70% and ointments against mosquitoes (sold in every pharmacy). Mix well and apply to the problem areas of the foot after steaming of iodine or salt bath. Then put on plastic bags and socks. In the morning, clear all, and remove the remnants of the ointment with a cloth. Repeat the procedure is necessary, every day up to the complete liberation from the fungus.
Pharmacy drugs
Treat the execution of the form of nail fungus at home only with the help of hydrogen peroxide, tincture of calendula or salt baths will not work. You need to use drugs. But it is better one time to make a complete treatment and manage the nails and the popular recipes and special ointments and creams by fungi.
It is also worth to pay attention to the pills anti-fungal, as well as in some cases external treatment of the mushroom of the nail or the skin is not enough.
When the first symptoms of nail fungus, it is necessary to take measures. In the initial phase (appeared as white blotches under the fingernails and empty), allow you to folk remedies, and a bathroom. If the nail is already crumbles, it is yellow and there is a bad smell connect to treatment medications: gels and ointments.